Shakes & Fidget

Publisher: Playa Games
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Low
Type: MMO
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: Arena
Filesize: N/A
Pros: +Comic art style. +Simple interface. +Eight races to chose from. +Battle other players and form clans.
Cons: -Gameplay consists of waiting for timers to run out. -Paying players receive large advantages. -Races don’t effect gameplay.

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Shakes & Fidget Overview

Shakes & Fidget is a popular German web comic that parodies World of Warcraft and other fantasy MMORPGs. Now fans can explore a simple browser RPG based on the Shakes & Fidget concept. The game uses a pretty standard script found in games like Gladiatus and Tanoth where players complete quests and ‘work’ by waiting for timers to complete. The unique, humorous art style helps the game stand out, and competitive arena battles between players act as the main gameplay hook. There are three classes and eight races available, but players are free to change their race and appearance provided they pay a small fee.
Warrior - They are into heavy metal and carry the biggest weapons.
Scout - Prefer shooting pointy things from a safe distance.
Mage – Mumble incomprehensible, but quite destructive spells.
Human - Like you and me; known for dependable every-day heroism.
Orc - Brutal, violent and always forget about Mother’s Day.
Elf - Frolic around trees, have pointy ears and are pretty swift.
Dark Elf - Hate everybody because they are so sleep deprived.
Dwarf - Behind their gruff exterior, dwarves are sturdy and hard drinking.
Goblin - Little buggers who are also great scrapbookers.
Gnome - Small, pesky and have a tedious sense of humor.
Demon - Enjoy fine dining and long walks on the beach.

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